M7103 - 3-channel power measurement module for LR810x Data Logger Series

Product information "M7103 - 3-channel power measurement module for LR810x Data Logger Series"
Power measurement module for LR8101 and LR8102 Data Logger, up to 1500 VDC, CATII and 2000 A, 3 power channels, max. update interval 5 ms, DC to 100 kHz

Banner Specs: 
  • Up to 12 / 120 power channels 
  • Power accuracy: 0.02% rdg. ± 0.05% f.s. 
  • 1500 VDC / 1000 VAC, CATII 
  • 5 ms update interval 
  • DC to 100 kHz bandwidth 
  • Multi-channel power measurement with the accuracy of a top-end power analyzer 
  • Guaranteed high accuracy up to 1500 VDC, CATII 
  • Combine with wide variety of HIOKI current sensors with ratings from 2 A to 2000 A
  • Space-efficient multi-channel setup 
  • Easily expand channels on site with growing production line requirements 
  • Power measurement applications requiring higher number of channels 
  • Development of Photovoltaic (PV) string inverters 
  • Quality inspection of PV string inverters during production
  • Charge/discharge testing during development of battery modules and battery packs

In detail:
The M7103 power measurement module for LR810x data loggers offers three channels for highly accurate power logging. One LR8101 or LR8102 Data Logger in combination with the M1100 AC power supply module supports up to four M7103 modules, giving the user the ability to log up to 12 power channels simultaneously with one logger. Up to 120 power channels can be recorded by synchronizing multiple LR8102 Data Logger. 

The voltage input channels are designed for direct input of voltages of up 1500 VDC or 1000 VAC, CATII making the M7103 ideal for safe and reliable production line testing. All HIOKI highprecision current sensors with an ME15W connector can be combined with the M7103 power measurement module, offering users the flexibility to choose the ideal current sensor for their specific application. With an update interval of just 5 ms, the module enables detailed logging of power, voltage, or current with exceptional precision.

The sync source sharing feature ensures precise efficiency measurement by using the AC signal's zero-crossing for calculation to synchronize a primary module with secondary modules, making the system ideal for high-accuracy applications like quality inspection in PV string inverter production. This highly flexible logger system offers the possibility to easily expand channels on-site without the necessity to return the equipment to the factory, saving valuable time.
  • M7103 Power Measurement Module
  • Instruction manual

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LR8101 - Modular multi-channel Data Logger for system integration
Banner Specs:Max. 10 voltage/temperature modules and up to 300 channels (using M7100 and M7102) Max. 4 power modules and up to 12 power channels (using M7103) Max. update interval 5 ms High voltage logging up to 2000 VDC and current logging with HIOKI current sensors – rating 2 A to 2000 A Data transfer via TCP (LAN) Integrated alarms, trigger in/out and pulse/logic in USPs: Logging of temperatures and voltages, 1500 VDC / CAT II isolation to earth with M7100 High-accuracy power logging with M7103 High voltage logging (2000 VDC, 1000 VAC) with M7103 Wide variety of HIOKI current sensors for a reliable high-precision current logging Applications: Charge/discharge testing during cell formation and ageing Charge/discharge testing during development of battery modules and battery packs Development and optimization of Battery Management Systems (BMS) Development and optimization of Thermal Management Systems of batteries Quality inspection of PV string inverters during productionIn detail: The versatile, modular data logger LR8101 can be used in combination with a variety of modules. It is therefore the perfect solution for integration in applications requiring multiple channels and recording intervals as short as 5 ms. The logger can be installed in a 19” rack with an optional rack-mount kit. The LR8101 can be controlled via Gennect One or the freeof-charge Logger Utility software. Additionally, the logger provides several inputs and outputs for alarms, triggers and pulse signals. The enhanced noise resistance ensures accurate and reliable measurements. All available modules can be combined in one system setup, with the main two measurement objectives being power logging and voltage/temperature logging.Voltage & Temperature logging with the LR8101 The LR8101 Data Logger can be combined with up to ten M7100 or M7102 modules. The system provides utmost flexibility as it offers the possibility to choose the type and number of modules to exactly fit the test requirements. In combination with the module M7100 the logger can capture up to 150 channels at 5 ms update interval. With an isolation to Earth of 1500 VDC, CAT II measurements of voltages and temperatures of 800 V and even 1200 V batteries can be performed safely. When combined with module M7102 the logger offers up to 300 channels at 10 ms update interval. With an isolation of 600 VDC, CAT II it is the perfect solution for data logging of 400 V batteries. Besides voltage, both modules offer the possibility to capture temperature signals using thermocouples. Power logging with the LR8101 When adding the M1100 AC power supply module, up to four M7103 Power Measurement Modules can be connected offering a total of 12 channels for long-term high-precision logging of power. Alternatively, the M7103 can be used to measure voltages and currents. The voltage input channels offer direct measurement of voltages of up to 2000 VDC, 1000 VAC. Long-term current logging is possible with any of the high-precision HIOKI current sensors with an ME15W connector. The sensors are powered by the logger and do not require an external power supply.

LR8102 - Modular multi-channel Data Logger for system integration, optical sync, UDP, CAN
Main unit for system integration applications, modular system, max. 3000 voltage/temperature channels or 120 power channels, for high voltage/high current applications, real-time data transfer via UDP, max. update interval 5 ms, for 19” rack systems Banner Specs:Max. 10 voltage/temperature modules per logger and up to 3000 channels with system synchronization (using M7100 and M7102) Max. 4 power modules per logger and up to 120 power channels with system synchronization (using M7103) Max. update interval 5 ms High voltage logging up to 2000 VDC and current logging with HIOKI current sensors– rating 2 A to 2000 A Real-time data transfer UDP (LAN) Integrated CAN data output, alarms, trigger in/out and pulse/logic inputs USPs:Synchronization of up to 10x LR8102 data loggers possible (max. 3000 ch.) Fast sampling & data transfer rate facilitates the use in Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) systems High-accuracy power logging with M7103 High voltage (2000 VDC, 1000 VAC) logging with M7103 Wide variety of HIOKI current sensors for a reliable high-precision current loggingApplications:Charge/discharge testing during cell formation and ageing Charge/discharge testing during development of battery modules and battery packsDevelopment and optimization of Battery Management Systems (BMS) Development and optimization of Thermal Management Systems of batteries Voltage and temperature monitoring in Hardware-In-the-Loop SimulationsQuality inspection of PV string inverters during production In detail:The versatile, modular data logger LR8102 can be used in combination with a variety of modules. It is therefore the perfect solution for integration in applications requiring multiple channels and recording intervals as short as 5 ms. The logger can be installed in a 19” rack with an optional rack-mount kit. The LR8102 can be controlled via Gennect One or the freeof-charge Logger Utility software. Alternatively, the logger offers the possibility for ultra-fast data transfer via UDP, which makes it the ideal solution for integration with charge/discharge testers and for real-time simulations such as HIL (Hardware-In-the-Loop). Additionally, the logger provides CAN data output as well as several inputs and outputs for alarms, triggers and pulse signals. The enhanced noise resistance ensures accurate and reliable measurements. All available modules can be combined in one system setup, with the main two measurement objectives being power logging and voltage/temperature logging. Voltage & Temperature logging with the LR8102The LR8102 data logger can be combined with up to ten M7100 or M7102 modules. The system provides utmost flexibility as it offers the possibility to choose the type and number of modules to exactly fit the test requirements. The LR8102 Data Logger can be further expanded by synchronizing up to ten data loggers using an optical link, which allows to measure up to 3000 voltage / temperature channels. In combination with the module M7100 the logger can capture up to 150 channels at 5 ms update interval. With an isolation to Earth of 1500 VDC, CAT II measurements of voltages and temperatures of 800 V and even 1200 V batteries can be performed safely. When combined with module M7102 the logger offers up to 300 channels at 10 ms update interval. With an isolation of 600 VDC, CAT II it is the perfect solution for data logging of 400 V batteries. Besides voltage, both modules offer the possibility to capture temperature signals using thermocouples. Power logging with the LR8102 When adding the M1100 AC power supply module, up to four M7103 Power Measurement Modules can be connected offering a total of 12 channels for long-term high-precision logging of power. This set up can be further expanded with the synchronization of up to ten data loggers to achieve a total of 120 power channels. Alternatively, the M7103 can be used to measure voltages and currents. The voltage input channels offer direct measurement of voltages of up to 2000 VDC, 1000 VAC. Long-term current logging is possible with any of the high-precision HIOKI current sensors with an ME15W connector. The sensors are powered by the logger and do not require an external power supply.
M7100 - Voltage/temperature module for main unit LR8101 or LR8102
Voltage/temperature module for LR8101 and LR8102 Data Logger, 100 VDC channel input, 300 VDC channel to channel isolation, 1500 VDC CATII isolation to earth, 15 channels, max. update interval 5 ms Banner Specs: Maximum channel input voltage: 100 VDC Channel to channel isolation: 300 VDCIsolation to earth: 1500 VDC, CAT II 15 channels per module, up to 10 modules per loggerMax. 5 ms update interval USPs: Measurements of DUTs at high voltages of up to 1500 VDC (isolation to earth) Easy installation without any cables via click-to-connect of modules Applications: Charge/discharge testing during cell formation and ageing Charge/discharge testing during development of battery modules and battery packs Development and optimization of Battery Management Systems (BMS) Development and optimization of Thermal Management Systems of batteriesVoltage and temperature monitoring in Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulations (HILS) In detail:The M7100 module is specifically designed for the LR810x Data Logger Series (LR8101, LR8102). Each channel input can be configured to measure voltage or temperature (with thermocouples) in accordance with the test requirements. With a maximum channel input voltage of 100 VDC and channel-to-channel isolation of 300 VDC, the module provides robust performance for a variety of measurement scenarios. Additionally, with an isolation to earth of up to 1500 VDC, the module is ideal for applications involving high-voltage environments, especially in battery testing. Up to ten M7100 can be connected to one LR810x Data Logger providing in total up 150 channels per unit. The sampling rate depends on the number of channels, with a maximum recording interval of 5 ms achievable. The click-to-connect module installation eliminates the cabling between modules and provides a clean, time-efficient setup.

M7102 - 30-channel voltage / temperature module for LR810x Data Logger Series
Voltage/temperature module for LR8101 and LR8102 Data Logger, isolation to earth 600 VDC CATII, 30 channels, max. update interval 10 ms, for 19” rack systems Banner Specs: Maximum channel input voltage: 100 VDC Channel to channel isolation: 300 VDC Isolation to earth: 600 VDC, CAT II 15 channels per module, up to 10 modules per logger Max. 5 ms update interval USPs: Easy installation without any cables via click-to-connect of modules Applications: Charge/discharge testing during cell formation and ageing Charge/discharge testing during development of battery modules and battery packsDevelopment and optimization of Battery Management Systems (BMS) Development and optimization of Thermal Management Systems of batteriesIn detail:The M7102 module is specifically designed for the LR810x Data Logger Series (LR8101, LR8102). Each channel input can be configured to measure voltage or temperature (with thermocouples) in accordance with the test requirements. With an isolation to earth of up to 600 VDC and 30 channels the module is ideal for applications requiring multi-channel measurement, especially in battery testing. Up to ten M7102 can be connected to one LR810X Data Logger providing in total up 300 channels per unit. The sampling rate depends on the number of channels, with a maximum recording interval of 5 ms achievable. The click-to-connect module installation eliminates the cabling between modules and provides a clean, time-efficient setup.

CT6830 - Ultra-compact AC/DC Current Probe, 2 A / 100 kHz
Banner Specs (= Attributes): High Accuracy ±0.3 % Measurable current 100 µA to 2 A Ultra small size sensor with slide open/lock mechanismWide temperature range -40 to 85 oC Bandwidth DC to 100 kHz USPs: Easy installation, even in tight spaces Accurate low current measurement Automatic recognition by HIOKI Power Analyzer PW8001Allows for stable measurement from Alaska to the Sahara Applications: Development and analysis tool for improving the fuel efficiency of electrical vehicles Consumption measurement of low power EV circuits like ECUs, interior lighting etc.Optimizing the overall energy consumption of low power circuits in EVs to extend the driving rangeOptimizing the overall energy consumption of low power circuits in electrical construction vehicles or electrical agricultural vehicles to extend the time between charging In detail:The ultra-small CT6830 Current Probe with its slide-open/lock feature is one of the smallest high-accuracy sensors on the market. Contactless measurement of currents from 100 µA to 2 A AC/DC and frequencies up to 100 kHz are possible even in the most confined spaces with a basic accuracy of ±0.3 %. This compact sensor gives development engineers of EVs, electrical trucks, buses, construction, and agricultural vehicles the possibility to accurately monitor energy consumption under the most extreme temperature conditions. Designed to be used in combination with a HIOKI Power Analyzer, Memory Recorder or Data Logger, the CT6830 provides detailed energy consumption insight for example of a vehicle under test. Combined with a CT9555, CT9556 or CT9557 Power Supply Unit, the CT6830 Current Probe can also be connected to third party equipment like for instance a DAQ system or an oscilloscope.

CT6831 - Ultra-compact AC/DC Current Probe, 20 A / 100 kHz
Banner Specs: High Accuracy ±0.3 % Measurable current 1 mA to 20 A Ultra small size sensor with slide open/lock mechanism Wide temperature range -40 to 85 oC Bandwidth DC to 100 kHz USPs:Easy installation, even in tight spacesAccurate low current measurement Automatic recognition by HIOKI Power Analyzer PW8001Allows for stable measurement from Alaska to the Sahara Applications:Development and analysis tool for improving the fuel efficiency of electrical vehicles Consumption measurement of low power EV circuits like wipers, entertainment system, seat heating, power steering etc. Optimizing the overall energy consumption of low power circuits in EVs to extend the driving range Optimizing the overall energy consumption of low power circuits in electrical construction vehicles or in electrical agricultural vehicles to extend the time between charging In detail:The ultra-small CT6831 Current Probe with its slide-open/lock feature is one of the smallest high-accuracy sensors on the market. Contactless measurement of currents from 1 mA to 20 A AC/DC and frequencies up to 100 kHz are possible even in the most confined spaces with a basic accuracy of ±0.3 %. This compact sensor gives development engineers of EVs, electrical trucks, buses, construction, and agricultural vehicles the possibility to accurately monitor energy consumption under the most extreme temperature conditions. Designed to be used in combination with a HIOKI Power Analyzer, Memory Recorder or Data Logger, the CT6831 helps provide detailed energy consumption insight for example of a vehicle under test. Combined with a CT9555, CT9556 or CT9557 Power Supply Unit, the CT6831 Current Probe can also be connected to third party equipment like for instance a DAQ system or an oscilloscope.

CT6841A - AC/DC High-accuracy Current Clamp, 20 A / 2 MHz
Banner Specs AC/DC currents up to 20 A Frequency Bandwidth DC to 2 MHz Basic accuracy: ±0.2% rdg.Operating temperature: -40 °C to 85 °COutput voltage ratio 100 mV/A Applications:Optimization of low-power circuits in EVs to increase driving range Analyzing current consumption of loads like motors, heaters, and LEDs On-site efficiency and current evaluation of inverters and motorsIn detail:The CT6841A AC/DC Current Clamp combines the flexibility of a clamp-style sensor with high-precision measurement, achieving a basic accuracy of ±0.2% rdg. This allows for easy, non-intrusive current measurement without breaking the circuit while maintaining the accuracy needed for precise power analysis in demanding applications. Utilizing advanced fluxgate technology, it ensures outstanding stability and accuracy in both AC and DC current measurements. With a maximum current rating of 20 A and a wide frequency bandwidth from DC to 2 MHz, it enables accurate detection of rapid current fluctuations. This capability makes it suitable for applications with demanding measurement requirements, such as automotive and power electronics industries.The current clamp delivers reliable performance across a wide temperature range of -40 °C to 85 °C, ensuring stability even in demanding environments such as engine compartments and outdoor testing locations. It is well-suited for evaluating the current consumption of automotive electrical components – especially actuating devices such as wiper motors, window motors, and seat heaters, but also electronic loads like LED lights.Additionally, its high-accuracy clamp design allows for efficient on-site assessment of IGBT inverters (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) and motor performance. Technicians can use it to conduct precise efficiency evaluations and current measurements, enabling them to quickly identify anomalies or performance degradation, ultimately supporting effective maintenance and diagnostics.Phase shift correction functions of HIOKI Power Analyzers are supported, including the automatic correction feature of the PW8001 Power Analyzer. By integrating these features, it ensures accurate power analysis in dynamic and high-frequency applications, minimizing measurement errors and enabling higher precision in power evaluation. Direct connection to HIOKI Power Analyzers and Memory Recorders is possible via the ME15W connector, which also supplies power to the CT6841A. Additionally, when combined with a HIOKI sensor unit (CT9555, CT9556, CT9557), it can be used with oscilloscopes and other data acquisition (DAQ) systems, providing a voltage output ratio of 100 mV/A. Furthermore, its robust construction, 20 mm core diameter, and 3-meter cable length allow for flexible installation in various test environments. The CT6841A is an essential tool for high-precision current measurement, including the optimization of low power circuits. With a durable design, precise fluxgate technology, and adaptability to various operating environments, it provides reliable measurement performance across both laboratory and field applications.

CT6843A - AC/DC High-accuracy Current Clamp, 200 A / 700 kHz
Banner Specs:  AC/DC currents up to 200 A Frequency Bandwidth DC to 700 kHz Basic accuracy: ±0.2% rdg. Operating temperature: -40 °C to 85 °COutput voltage ratio 10 mV/A Applications:WLTP testing (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure) Evaluation of current consumption of automotive electrical components like air compressors or power steering systems On-site efficiency and current evaluation of inverters and motorsIn detail:The CT6843A AC/DC Current Clamp combines the flexibility of a clamp-style sensor with high-precision measurement, achieving a basic accuracy of ±0.2% rdg. This allows for easy, non-intrusive current measurement without breaking the circuit while maintaining the accuracy needed for precise power analysis in demanding applications. Utilizing advanced fluxgate technology, it ensures outstanding stability and accuracy in both AC and DC current measurements. With a maximum current rating of 200 A and a wide frequency bandwidth from DC to 700 kHz, it enables accurate detection of rapid current fluctuations. This capability makes it suitable for applications with demanding measurement requirements, such as automotive and power electronics industries. The current clamp delivers reliable performance across a wide temperature range of -40°C to 85°C, ensuring stability even in demanding environments such as engine compartments and outdoor testing locations. It is well-suited for evaluating the current consumption of automotive electrical components, including air compressors and power steering systems. Additionally, its high-accuracy clamp design allows for efficient on-site assessment of IGBT inverters (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) and motor performance. Technicians can use it to conduct precise efficiency evaluations and current measurements, enabling them to quickly identify anomalies or performance degradation, ultimately supporting effective maintenance and diagnostics. Phase shift correction functions of HIOKI Power Analyzers are supported, including the automatic correction feature of the PW8001 Power Analyzer. By integrating these features, it ensures accurate power analysis in dynamic and high-frequency applications, minimizing measurement errors and enabling higher precision in power evaluation. Direct connection to HIOKI Power Analyzers and Memory Recorders is possible via the ME15W connector, which also supplies power to the CT6843A. Additionally, when combined with a HIOKI sensor unit (CT9555, CT9556, CT9557), it can be used with oscilloscopes and other data acquisition (DAQ) systems, providing a voltage output ratio of 10 mV/A. Furthermore, its robust construction, 20 mm core diameter, and 3-meter cable length allow for flexible installation in various test environments. The CT6843A is an essential tool for high-precision current measurement, including WLTP testing (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure). With a durable design, precise fluxgate technology, and adaptability to various operating environments, it provides reliable measurement performance across both laboratory and field applications.

CT6846A - AC/DC High-accuracy Current Clamp, 1000 A / 100 kHz
Banner Specs: AC/DC currents up to 1000 A Frequency Bandwidth DC to 200 kHz Basic accuracy: ±0.2% rdg. Operating temperature: -40 °C to 85 °C Output voltage ratio 2 mV/A Applications: WLTP testing (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure) on commercial vehicles Evaluation of current consumption of automotive components like air compressors or power steering systemsOn-site efficiency and current evaluation of inverters and motors In detail:The CT6846A AC/DC Current Clamp combines the flexibility of a clamp-style sensor with high-precision measurement, achieving a basic accuracy of ±0.2% rdg. This allows for easy, non-intrusive current measurement without breaking the circuit while maintaining the accuracy needed for precise power analysis in demanding applications. Utilizing advanced fluxgate technology, it ensures outstanding stability and accuracy in both AC and DC current measurements. With a maximum current rating of 1000 A and a wide frequency bandwidth from DC to 100 kHz, it enables accurate detection of rapid current fluctuations. This capability makes it suitable for applications with demanding measurement requirements, such as automotive and power electronics industries. The current clamp delivers reliable performance across a wide temperature range of -40 °C to 85 °C, ensuring stability even in demanding environments such as engine compartments and outdoor testing locations. It is well-suited for evaluating the current consumption of automotive electrical components, including air compressors and power steering systems. Additionally, its high-accuracy clamp design allows for efficient on-site assessment of IGBT inverters (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) and motor performance. Technicians can use it to conduct precise efficiency evaluations and current measurements, enabling them to quickly identify anomalies or performance degradation, ultimately supporting effective maintenance and diagnostics. Phase shift correction functions of HIOKI Power Analyzers are supported, including the automatic correction feature of the PW8001 Power Analyzer. By integrating these features, it ensures accurate power analysis in dynamic and high-frequency applications, minimizing measurement errors and enabling higher precision in power evaluation. Direct connection to HIOKI Power Analyzers and Memory Recorders is possible via the ME15W connector, which also supplies power to the CT6846A. Additionally, when combined with a HIOKI sensor unit (CT9555, CT9556, CT9557), it can be used with oscilloscopes and other data acquisition (DAQ) systems, providing a voltage output ratio of 2 mV/A. Furthermore, its robust construction, 50 mm core diameter, and 3-meter cable length allow for flexible installation in various test environments. The CT6846A is an essential tool for high-precision current measurement, including WLTP testing (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure). With a durable design, precise fluxgate technology, and adaptability to various operating environments, it provides reliable measurement performance across both laboratory and field applications.

CT6844A - AC/DC High-accuracy Current Clamp, 500 A / 500 kHz
Banner Specs:AC/DC currents up to 500 AFrequency Bandwidth DC to 500 kHzBasic accuracy: ±0.2% rdg. Operating temperature: -40 °C to 85 °C Output voltage ratio 4 mV/A Applications:WLTP testing (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure) Evaluation of current consumption of automotive electrical components like air compressors or power steering systems On-site efficiency and current evaluation of inverters and motorsIn detail: The CT6844A AC/DC Current Clamp combines the flexibility of a clamp-style sensor with high-precision measurement, achieving a basic accuracy of ±0.2% rdg. This allows for easy, non-intrusive current measurement without breaking the circuit while maintaining the accuracy needed for precise power analysis in demanding applications. Utilizing advanced fluxgate technology, it ensures outstanding stability and accuracy in both AC and DC current measurements. With a maximum current rating of 500 A and a wide frequency bandwidth from DC to 500 kHz, it enables accurate detection of rapid current fluctuations. This capability makes it suitable for applications with demanding measurement requirements, such as automotive and power electronics industries. The current clamp delivers reliable performance across a wide temperature range of -40 °C to 85 °C, ensuring stability even in demanding environments such as engine compartments and outdoor testing locations. It is well-suited for evaluating the current consumption of automotive electrical components, including air compressors and power steering systems. Additionally, its high-accuracy clamp design allows for efficient on-site assessment of IGBT inverters (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) and motor performance. Technicians can use it to conduct precise efficiency evaluations and current measurements, enabling them to quickly identify anomalies or performance degradation, ultimately supporting effective maintenance and diagnostics. Phase shift correction functions of HIOKI Power Analyzers are supported, including the automatic correction feature of the PW8001 Power Analyzer. By integrating these features, it ensures accurate power analysis in dynamic and high-frequency applications, minimizing measurement errors and enabling higher precision in power evaluation. Direct connection to HIOKI Power Analyzers and Memory Recorders is possible via the ME15W connector, which also supplies power to the CT6844A. Additionally, when combined with a HIOKI sensor unit (CT9555, CT9556, CT9557), it can be used with oscilloscopes and other data acquisition (DAQ) systems, providing a voltage output ratio of 4 mV/A. Furthermore, its robust construction, 20 mm core diameter, and 3-meter cable length allow for flexible installation in various test environments. The CT6844A is an essential tool for high-precision current measurement, including WLTP testing (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure). With a durable design, precise fluxgate technology, and adaptability to various operating environments, it provides reliable measurement performance across both laboratory and field applications.

CT6845A - AC/DC Current Probe, Fluxgate, 500 A / 200 kHz
Banner Specs: AC/DC currents up to 500 A Frequency Bandwidth DC to 200 kHzBasic accuracy: ±0.2% rdg. Operating temperature: -40 °C to 85 °C - Output voltage ratio 4 mV/A Applications:WLTP testing (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure) on commercial vehiclesEvaluation of current consumption of automotive electrical components like air compressors or power steering systemsOn-site efficiency and current evaluation of inverters and motors In detail:The CT6845A AC/DC Current Clamp combines the flexibility of a clamp-style sensor with high-precision measurement, achieving a basic accuracy of ±0.2% rdg. This allows for easy, non-intrusive current measurement without breaking the circuit while maintaining the accuracy needed for precise power analysis in demanding applications. Utilizing advanced fluxgate technology, it ensures outstanding stability and accuracy in both AC and DC current measurements. With a maximum current rating of 500 A and a wide frequency bandwidth from DC to 200 kHz, it enables accurate detection of rapid current fluctuations. This capability makes it suitable for applications with demanding measurement requirements, such as automotive and power electronics industries. The current clamp delivers reliable performance across a wide temperature range of -40 °C to 85 °C, ensuring stability even in demanding environments such as engine compartments and outdoor testing locations. It is well-suited for evaluating the current consumption of automotive electrical components, including air compressors and power steering systems. Additionally, its high-accuracy clamp design allows for efficient on-site assessment of IGBT inverters (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) and motor performance. Technicians can use it to conduct precise efficiency evaluations and current measurements, enabling them to quickly identify anomalies or performance degradation, ultimately supporting effective maintenance and diagnostics. Phase shift correction functions of HIOKI Power Analyzers are supported, including the automatic correction feature of the PW8001 Power Analyzer. By integrating these features, it ensures accurate power analysis in dynamic and high-frequency applications, minimizing measurement errors and enabling higher precision in power evaluation. Direct connection to HIOKI Power Analyzers and Memory Recorders is possible via the ME15W connector, which also supplies power to the CT6845A. Additionally, when combined with a HIOKI sensor unit (CT9555, CT9556, CT9557), it can be used with oscilloscopes and other data acquisition (DAQ) systems, providing a voltage output ratio of 4 mV/A. Furthermore, its robust construction, 50 mm core diameter, and 3-meter cable length allow for flexible installation in various test environments. The CT6845A is an essential tool for high-precision current measurement, including WLTP testing (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure) on commercial vehicles. With a durable design, precise fluxgate technology, and adaptability to various operating environments, it provides reliable measurement performance across both laboratory and field applications.

CT6862-05 - AC/DC Current Sensor, Fluxgate, 50 A / 1 MHz
The CT6862-05 is a pass-through AC/DC current sensor designed for precision power measurement in industrial environments. It features a wide frequency range and low phase shift, making it highly suitable for accurate waveform observation and harmonic analysis. Technical Details: Current Rating: 50 A AC/DC Frequency Range: DC to 1 MHz Accuracy: ±0.05% rdg, ±0.01% f.s. Maximum Conductor Diameter: 24 mm Operating Temperature: -30°C to 85°C Input Impedance Requirement: 1 MΩ or higher

CT6863-05 - closed current transformer
The CT6872 is a high-precision AC/DC current sensor designed for detailed waveform observation and harmonic analysis. With a frequency range of up to 10 MHz, it is ideal for high-frequency power electronics testing. It supports automatic phase shift correction (APSC). Technical Details: Current Rating: 50 A AC/DC Frequency Range: DC to 10 MHz Accuracy: ±0.03% rdg, ±0.002% f.s. Maximum Conductor Diameter: 24 mm Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°C • Input Impedance Requirement: 1 MΩ or higher

CT6875A - AC/DC Current sensor
The CT6875 AC/DC Current Sensor is designed for accurate current measurements across a broad frequency range, from DC to 2 MHz (Model CT6875-01: DC to 1.5 MHz). With a rated current of 500 A, it is ideal for R&D, quality evaluation, manufacturing, and maintenance in industries such as wireless charging systems, inverter motors, PV power conditioners, and EV quick charging facilities. In combination with the Power Analyzer PW8001, the sensor allows for precise high-frequency and low power factor measurements. Technical Details: Rated Current: 500 A Frequency Bandwidth: CT6875: DC to 2 MHzBasic Accuracy: Amplitude: ±0.04 % rdg. ±0.008 % f.s., Phase: ±0.08° Maximum Conductor Diameter: 36 mm Maximum Rated Voltage to Ground: 1000 V CAT III Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°C Input Impedance Requirement: 1 MΩ or higher Output Terminal: ME15W Cable length: 3m

CT6876A - AC/DC Current sensor
Product Description for CT6876 AC/DC Current Sensor The CT6876 AC/DC Current Sensor is designed for accurate current measurements with a broad frequency range from DC to 1.5 MHz. With a rated current of 1000 A, it is ideal for demanding applications in industries such as inverter motors, electric vehicles, and power electronics.The sensor offers excellent noise resistance and high precision, making it a top choice for high-current, high-speed measurements. When combined with Hioki's Power Analyzers, it ensures accurate power conversion efficiency measurements, especially in high-frequency environments. Technical Details: Model: CT6876 Rated Current: 1000 A Frequency Bandwidth: DC to 1.5 MHzBasic Accuracy: Amplitude: ±0.04% rdg. ±0.008% f.s. Phase: ±0.1° Maximum Conductor Diameter: 36 mm Maximum Rated Voltage to Ground: 1000 V CAT III Operating Temperature: -40°C to 85°CInput Impedance Requirement: 1 MΩ or higher Output Terminal: ME15W
